Legislative / Regulatory Contacts

U.S. Congress

Two senators and eight representatives are the United States congressional delegation representing Arizona. The U.S. Senate and House websites provide search capabilities to locate your representative and other keyword searches. The websites are:

The US Senate – http://www.senate.gov/  The link to your Arizona Senators is: http://www.senate.gov/states/AZ/intro.htm
The US House of Representative -- http://www.house.gov/   The Link to your Arizona Representatives is: http://www.house.gov/representatives/

Department Of Health & Human Services

The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) is the United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.
The HHS website is: http://www.hhs.gov/

Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of Legislation (OL) is responsible for responding to and addressing any issue brought to the attention of CMS by any Member of Congress. More specifically, the Office

  • Provides leadership on Medicare, Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) legislative strategies and hearings;

  • Advances the policy process through development, analysis and review of health care initiatives and issues; and

  • Facilitates constructive relationships with the Congress, the White House, the Department, and other partners while fostering a work environment rich in challenge, opportunity, and cooperation.

The CMS website is: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/

Who Is Your State Legislator?

To determine who is your legislator or other important elected official go to: http://az.gov/webapp/govinfo/main.do

Arizona State Senate

Thirty members of the Senate comprise the state legislature. The link to the Senate is: http://www.azsenate.gov/senators.asp  The member roster direct link is: http://www.azleg.gov/MemberRoster.asp?Body=S

Arizona House Of Representative

Members Sixty members of the House of Representatives comprise the state legislature. The link to the House is: http://www.azhouse.gov/ The member roster direct link is http://www.azleg.gov/memberRoster.asp?Body=H

Health Services Standing Committees

Nine Representatives are members of the Health and Human Services Standing Committee. The direct link is http://www.azleg.gov/CommitteeInfo.asp?Committee_ID=7&Session_ID=107
Six Senators are members of the Healthcare and Medical Liability Reform Committee. The direct link is http://www.azleg.gov/CommitteeInfo.asp?Committee_ID=62&Session_ID=107

Bill Process

The Arizona state bill process begins with a bill introduced in the House by a member, a group of members, a Standing Committee or a majority of a committee after being written in proper form by the Legislative Council. The direct link is http://www.azleg.gov/alisPDFs/hbillaw.pdf

Tracking Pending Legislation

The A.L.I.S. Tracking web site is an extension of the Arizona State Legislature website. A bill progress report can then be generated against any list. The A.L.I.S Tracking website is: http://alistrack.azleg.gov/.

Request To Speak

The Request to Speak in Committee system replaces sign in slips used by those wishing to testify in Senate and/or House committees. Committee chairpersons will have electronic access to listings of everyone signed up to speak and will know in advance who is for or against a particular bill. The website is:  http://azleg.gov/rts/rts.asp



Healthcare Leaders Association of Arizona
P.O. Box 3403 Hamilton, NJ 08619
844.427.9400 | info@hlaaz.org

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